Digital Health
Contracts Law Blog

Kristie Prinz to Lead New Silicon Valley Group In ProVisors

I am pleased to announce that I am a new ProVisors home group leader in the Silicon Valley Region.  I will be leading a new Silicon Valley Virtual 1 Group, which will be an all-virtual home group for service providers engaged in Silicon Valley business.  The group will meet the first Friday of the month […]

Will Your Digital Health Company’s Contract Survive Customer Cost-Cutting?

      It has become increasingly clear over the past few months that businesses are in a cost-cutting mode, as the economy has become more and more sluggish.  While your digital health company is likely focusing on its own cost-cutting strategy, have you stopped to consider whether your most significant customers might be doing […]

Kristie Prinz to Speak on Negotiating Digital Health Contracts in an Uncertain Economy

The Prinz Law Office will host a 30 minute webinar on Thursday September 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. PT on “Negotiating Digital Health Contracts in an Uncertain Economy.”  Digital Health Contracts Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz will be the presenter, and will address best practices in negotiating digital health contracts when the economy is unpredictable.  To […]

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